The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Winning Campaigns Training in Richmond VA Nov. 13-15

Winning Campaigns© Trainings are for leaders of grassroots bicycle and pedestrian advocacy organizations: board members, staff, and super volunteers.

This fall, the Alliance for Biking and Walking is partnering with the Virginia Bicycling Federation to bring their signature Winning Campaigns© Training to Richmond, VA. Join your fellow bicycle and pedestrian advocacy leaders to learn from expert coaches and each other through the Alliance’s proven curriculum on choosing, directing, and winning campaigns to increase bicycling and walking. After three days of fun and inspiring work with the country’s leading experts in advocacy, you’ll come away with the tools and confidence to not only advocate for improvements, but win them!

You’ll learn how to:

  • Choose the right issue;
  • Set realistic but visionary goals, choose the best strategies and tactics, and stick to timelines;
  • Map out the power structure in your community, support and leverage allies, neutralize and convert enemies!
  • Communicate effectively, reaching the right audience with the right message through the right media, …and
  • Raise money, to strengthen your organization for the next bigger victory!
  • In the end, you’ll have a detailed campaign blueprint that will assure a victorious campaign and set up your organization for greater victories in the future.

Location: Richmond, VA
Dates: Fri, November 13, 2009 through Sun, November 15, 2009

Pricing Information

Early registrations must be received by Mon, November 02, 2009 and cost $50 for Alliance Members; $100 for Non-Members

Regular Registrations cost $75 for Alliance Members; $125 for Non-Members

A limited number of scholarships are available from Virginia Bicycling Federation for Virginia advocates who are not supported by the organization they represent. Scholarship recipients must be a current Virginia Bicycling Federation (VBF) member or a designated representative of a VBF member organization. Contact Allen Muchnick ( for further information.

Scheduling Information:

The training begins Friday afternoon from 5PM to 9PM. The training continues Saturday 8am to 4:30pm, followed by a bike ride or walk, and a social gathering out on the town. Finally, Sunday’s schedule is 8AM to 2PM, allowing a participant over 18 hours of training devoted to developing a winning campaign.

Registration includes snacks Friday evening, and breakfast and lunch Saturday and Sunday. A bicycle or walking tour Saturday evening is also included.

Click here for more information and to register.

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  • Please note that the Alliance Training is scheduled to end at 1:00 PM (not 2:00 PM) on Sunday. VBF will continue to meet at the same location from 1:00 PM until at least 5:00 PM, and we will have an open meeting for all VBF members at 2:00 PM to formally elect the new VBF board for 2010. All are welcome!