The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Virginia Tech Remembrance Ride

VTV Outreach Foundation Remembrance Ride

A ride to benefit the VTV Family Outreach Foundation

The VTV Family Outreach Foundation is sponsoring a Century Ride and 32 mile ride here in Blacksburg this Saturday April 30th 2011.

The VTV Family Outreach Foundation is a non-profit set up by the families affected by the April 16th shootings to promote campus safety and security and help others who experience similar tragedies. Any and all proceeds to the foundation are tax deductible.

Both the Century and 32 mile ride will start in the parking lot of the Inn at VT. The Century Ride will depart at 8AM and will ride in a 68 mile loop back to the Inn for lunch and to meet the 32 mile riders. Then all riders will depart around 1PM on a 32 mile loop back to the Inn.

  • Century Riders call time is 7AM at the Inn parking lot
  • 32 Mile Riders call time is 12:30PM at the Inn parking lot

Cost is now only $100 which includes Outreach Team Jersey, one year membership, lunch sponsored by Macados, and all food and drink supplies for ride.

We are still looking for a bike mechanic to join the ride at no cost! First mechanic to register will ride for free!

Please send this out to your listservs, and let everyone you know who may be interested to help support the VTV Family Outreach Foundation and VTV Outreach Team!

Register to Ride:

Donate Here:

Sign up as a volunteer here:

Omar Samaha
Brother of Reema Samaha – April 16th Victim

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