The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VT & UVA Teams to Bike to Uganda

Virginia Tech and Univarsity of Virginia teams bike to Uganda

March 30th through April 3rd Virginia Tech will compete against University of Virginia in a bike race to Uganda! Bike to Uganda is a project of the Poverty Awareness Coalition for Tomorrow, and Building Tomorrow. This race will raise awareness and funds to build a primary school in Uganda giving hundreds of children their first chance to learn in a classroom.

Stationary bikes will be set up on Virginia Tech (Blacksburg) and University of Virginia (Charlottesville) campuses. Volunteers will be biking from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday. There will be prizes, live performances, information sessions and much more going on throughout the week.

The goals of this event are to raise awareness about the needs of children who deserve a chance to learn safely in a school with their peers; to raise $45,000 dollars, enough to fund an entire school in Uganda including land, labor, and desks for the classrooms; and of course to have fun!

We are hoping to make Bike to Uganda an annual event (as UVA has done) and we hope that someday we can hang our very own VT flag on a fully erected school in Uganda!

How You Can Help

We need bike riders and volunteers! Here is how you can help…

Form a team and raise money for each mile your team intends to bike. (about a half an hour of biking is about 8-12 miles, depending on the speed of the biker)

Have your company or business sponsor the event. Download a flyer with different options for businesses to contribute in return for advertising at the Bike to Uganda event.

2 Dollar Challenge

Bike as an individual or with a team and get friends, family, teachers, neighbors or businesses to sponsor you. Your goal is to raise 2 dollars for every mile you intend to bike. Note: there is no fee required to bike, anyone wanting to bike during the event is welcome and is not required to raise a certain amount of money. Donations are encouraged but not mandatory.

Sponsor a Classroom

Here is a list of items that goes into building a classroom you or your team can work towards these monetary goals and sponsor a classroom.

  • $5 – 45 bricks
  • $25 – 1 bag of cement
  • $60 – 1 desk for 3 students
  • $125 – 1 chalkboard
  • $900 – classroom set of desks
  • $6,000 – 1 Building Tomorrow classroom

Spread the word! Tell your friends, classmates, professors and community members.

This event is not just for Virginia Tech and UVA students. We want to get all members of the community involved!

Donate online, or pay with cash or check payable to Building Tomorrow (also write VT or UVA on the check so we can see how much each has raised). Teams or individuals can drop off donations on the dates of the event or mail donations to:

418 Durham Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24060

…or directly to:

The Building Tomorrow Fund
407 North Fulton Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202


Contact Allison Jarnagin,

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