The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Virginians to Get Together at the Bike Summit

Are you coming to the Bike Summit in DC next week?  Even if you’re not attending the conference itself, there’s plenty going on that’s open to everyone.  For example, the congressional visits (contact Champe to schedule yours).  And the Virginia get-together Monday evening, where we hope you can drop by and join us.  It’s a great chance to meet everyone, and get the dirt on what’s really going on!

From our organizer and friend, Fionnuala Quinn:

We are holding a casual gathering for any Virginia folks in town for bike summit events. This is a great chance to connect and put faces to the names. We also have a few people lined up to tell us briefly about some great Virginia projects of the last year. We have reserved several tables at Cuba Libre, one and a half blocks from the Renaissance hotel.  

Where:  Cuba Libre, 801 9th St. NW, Washington, DC 20001 – corner of 9th & H Streets

When:  4:30 pm to 6:00 pm on Monday March 3rd

Refreshments:  The Virginia Bicycling Federation and Alta Planning + Design will sponsor appetizers but everyone will be responsible for their own food and drink orders

RSVP:  so we have some idea of numbers

What to bring:  Bring along any new materials, brochures, flyers developed locally to inspire others

Please feel free to extend this invitation to others based in Virginia with a biking interest.  We hope that you can join us this year.

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