The Virginia Department of Transportation is advertising for a statewide bike and pedestrian planner. This is a full time position based in Richmond. Responses are due by January 18.
Here’s the job description, from the state jobs website:
VDOT’s Transportation and Mobility Planning Division is seeking a successful candidate to lead, coordinate, administer, implement and monitor the Commonwealth’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program. The position will be responsible for championing the integration of bicycling and walking into the local, regional and statewide transportation planning processes, coordinating and managing program communications, policy implementation and design criteria and bicycle and pedestrian studies; assisting with the development of the Surface Transportation Plan, Statewide Multimodal Long-Range Transportation Plan (VTRANS 2025), and other statewide planning initiatives as necessary. This position will coordinate with VDOT transportation planners, other VDOT divisions, stakeholder groups, local governments, and MPO and PDC staff.
Here are the minimum qualifications:
The successful candidate must have demonstrated knowledge of: transportation planning; traffic, bicycle, and pedestrian engineering principles and analysis techniques; statewide/metropolitan/federal transportation planning policies, guidelines and procedures; bicycle and pedestrian facility design; project development and management; and relational databases. Experience using ESRI GIS software and spatial analysis techniques; and Microsoft Office applications including Access, PowerPoint, Excel and Word. Ability to assist in evaluation, development, and maintenance of innovative solutions for planning and mobility initiatives; ability to complete tasks with minimal supervision; provide exceptional customer service; and communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Strong computer skills is a must.VDOT’s preferred qualifications are:
A degree in Urban and Regional Planning, Transportation Policy, Public Administration, Civil Engineering or related experience may substitute. Experience developing, leading and coordinating team efforts a plus. AICP preferred.
Full details are available at the state jobs website.
We encourage all qualified, interested individuals to please apply.
Send cover letter and resume to:
Pamela Hinton
Central Office Human Resources
1221 East Broad Street, 1st Floor Central Hwy Bldg.
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Deadline is January 18, 2010.