The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Virginia Power Shift 2008 Sustainability Conference

College students and others from all over Virginia will convene at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg this weekend for the Power Shift Virginia sustainability conference.

Directly related to bike advocacy are sessions on campus and community bike sharing programs, influencing land use and transportation planning policy, working with the media, and lobbying in Richmond. Mayor Dave Norris of Charlottesville will talk about pushing your own city toward “green cities” policies and programs.

Capping off the weekend is a keynote address by NASA climatologist James Hansen, described by CBS’s 60 Minutes as, “Arguably the world’s leading researcher on global warming.”

Admission for the entire weekend of lectures and events is very low at $15 per person, or $10 for groups of 5 or more. For further information, including the event schedule and advance registration, see the Virginia Power Shift 2008 website. You may also register at the event.

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