The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Virginia Lobby Visits, 2009 Bike Summit

Please contact VBF President Allen Muchnick to get in to see your legislators during the Bike Summit. All Virginia constituents are welcome.

Below is the completed and updated list of all Virginia Bike Summit lobby visits for next Thursday, March 12. All meetings are scheduled with staff, not the Congressman or Senator. This schedule is still subject to change if a staff person develops a scheduling conflict.

Besides meeting with your own representative, everyone is free to join or skip all the other meetings, including the two Senate meetings. The latter will likely be crowded and may be held standing in a hallway.

Thank you again for participating in the National Bike Summit. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Virginia coordination meeting at 5 PM on Wednesday afternoon.

Allen Muchnick, president
Virginia Bicycling Federation


10:00 AM Office of Rep. Frank Wolf (VA-10), with Cindy Klapmust, Transportation Legislative Assistant

10:30 AM Office of Rep. Robert Wittman (VA-1), with Mary Springer, Chief of Staff

11:00 AM No scheduled meeting

11:30 AM Office of Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11), with Zack Fields, Legislative Assistant

12:00 PM Office of Rep. Jim Moran (VA-8), with Tim Aiken, Legislative Director

12:30 PM Office of Rep. Rick Boucher (VA-9), with Rob Cowden, Legislative Assistant

1:00 PM Office of Rep. Tom Perriello (VA-5), with Ms. Beth Elliott, Legislative Director

1:30 PM Office of Rep. Bobby Scott (VA-3), with Caroline Hughes, Legislative Assistant

2:00 PM Office of Rep. Randy Forbes (VA-4), with Brian Perkins, Transportation Legislative Assistant

2:30 PM Office of Rep. Glenn Nye (VA-2), with Whit Peterson, Legislative Correspondent

2:45 PM Office of Rep. Bob Goodlatte (VA-6), with Nick Chadkewicz, Transportation Legislative Assistant, “Constituents Only”

3:00 PM Office of Rep. Eric Cantor (VA-7), with Wyatt Stewart, Transportation Legislative Assistant

4:00 PM Office of Sen. Jim Webb, with Jenny Bryant, Transportation Legislative Assistant

4:30 PM Office of Sen. Mark Warner, with Nicholas Devereux, Legislative Assistant

5:00 PM walk to Congressional Reception

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