The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Virginia Legislator Meetings — 2011 Bike Summit Lobby Day

The updated schedule of March 10 Virginia meetings on Capitol Hill is both posted below and attached. The first two meetings listed are the only changes from Friday, March 4.

I’ll see you soon,

Allen Muchnick, VA meetings coordinator or
703-271-0895 land
571-225-5357 mobile

9:00 AM Office of Rep. Scott Rigell (VA-2), 327 Cannon HOB, with Alex Phillips, Legislative Correspondent, 202-225-4215

9:30 AM Office of Rep. Eric Cantor (VA-7), 303 Cannon HOB, with Billy Oden Legislative Correspondent, 202-225-2815

9:30 AM Office of Rep. Robert Wittman (VA-1), 1317 Longworth HOB, with Jamie Miller, Legislative Director, 202-225-4261 (limit of 4-5 guests)

11:30 AM Office of Rep. Robert Hurt (VA-5), 1516 Longworth HOB, with Kelly Simpson, Legislative Director, 202-225-4711 (limit of 4 preferred, more OK)

12:30 PM Office of Rep. Gerry Connolly (VA-11), 424 Cannon HOB, with Zack Fields, Legislative Assistant, 202-225-1492

1:00 PM Office of Rep. Randy Forbes (VA-4), 2438 Rayburn HOB, with Joe Hack, Press Secretary, 202-225-6365

1:30 PM Office of Rep. Morgan Griffith (VA-9), 1108 Longworth HOB, with Marty McKown, Legislative Correspondent, 202-225-3861

2:00 PM Office of Rep. Frank Wolf (VA-10), 241 Cannon HOB, with Craig Whitham, Appropriations Legislative Assistant, 202-225-5136

2:30 PM Office of Rep. Jim Moran (VA-8), 2239 Rayburn HOB, with Zack Cafritz, Transportation & Budget Legislative Assistant, 202-225-4376

3:00 PM Office of Rep. Bobby Scott (VA-3), 1201 Longworth HOB, with David Dailey, Transportation & Budget Legislative Assistant, 202-225-8351

3:30 PM Office of Rep. Bob Goodlatte (VA-6), 2240 Rayburn HOB, with Nick Chadkewicz, Transportation & Budget Leg. Assistant, 202-225-5431 (limit of 6 guests)

3:30 PM walk to Russell Senate Office Building for senator meetings

4:00 PM Office of Sen. Jim Webb, 248 Russell SOB, with Trevor Dean, Transportation, Agriculture & Environment Legislative Assistant, 202-224-4024

4:30 PM Office of Sen. Mark Warner, 459A Russell SOB, with Nicholas Devereux, Transportation & Agriculture Legislative Assistant, 202-224-2023

5:00 to 7:00 PM Congressional Reception, Dirksen SOB, Room G-50

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