The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

PBS’s Virginia Currents on Rail-Trails, and the James River Branch Trail

VBF president Champe Burnley and Richmond councilman Doug Connor appeared on PBS’s Virginia Currents to talk about rail-trails — especially the James River Branch Trail, a new rails-to-trails project in Richmond.

The new trail will run for 2.3 miles through the south side of the city on an abandoned CSX railway line, which, as the video shows, is currently suffering from illegal dumping. The new trail promises to clean up and revitalize the area, and tie into an interconnected network of local, regional, and even national trails.

As Champe points out, Richmond is a burgeoning mecca for bike trails and routes, with the Virginia Capital Trail, US Bicycle Routes 1 and 76, and the future East Coast Greenway all running through the city.

See also: US Bike Route 1: A Ride Through Richmond

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