The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VDOT Wants Your Opinion On Long-Range Plan

VTrans2035 logo

Virginia’s  Office of Intermodal Planning and Investment is in the process of developing the state’s long-range, twenty-five year transportation plan — VTrans2035.  VDOT wants citizen input in shaping what the future of Virginia’s transportation will look like.

Implementation of the Plan is both a federal and state legislative requirement.

Visit and click on the bottom left : “Virtual Public Workshop” to submit your ideas and recommendations for Virginia’s long-range transportation plan.

Final Public Input Meeting

This Thursday, July 9, is the final public input meeting for VTrans2035, at Hidden Valley High School, 5000 Titan Trail, Roanoke, 4:30-7:30pm. Come face to face with Virginia’s statewide transportation planners and tell them personally what you would like to see for our state, such as:

  • Regional bike advisory committees
  • A statewide Complete Streets policy
  • Funding formula for alternative transportation projects
  • Connect the Commonwealth — rails with trails
  • Shared lane markings — “sharrows”
  • Complete signage of AASHTO-approved bike routes, and state and local bike routes
  • Bike access on passenger trains, and at train stations
  • Bike access at airports
  • Bike access at ferry terminals, and on ferries
  • 3′ passing law
  • Vulnerable road user legislation

Download a copy of the meeting schedule & information (PDF).

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