The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VDOT Statewide Bike-Ped Advisory Committee Meeting — Postponed or Cancelled

The meeting scheduled for Wed., Jan 9 has been postponed. Champe’s response is below.

Dear Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee Members,

As you are aware this is a very busy time for the transportation community in the Commonwealth as the General Assembly Session begins tomorrow. The opening day of the session is quite busy and events surrounding it are very fluid with respect to meetings. Due to unforeseen schedule conflicts, the decision has been made to postpone the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for tomorrow until after the General Assembly session.

We apologize for the short notice of this announcement and look forward to meeting with you shortly after the session adjourns. In the interim, we will continue to distribute updates on statewide efforts promoting bicycle and pedestrian accommodations and safety.

We remain committed to the bicycle and pedestrian program and look forward to working productively with you this year.



Marsha Fiol
Transportation and Mobility Planning Director, VDOT
1401 East Broad Street, Richmond Virginia 23219
804 786-2985W 804 225-4785F

From VBF President Champe Burnley:


I hope we will reschedule this for the very near future. After waiting several years – is it three or four now- to reconvene the BPAC, this is disappointing.

Considering the state of flux with our transportation system (and our economic state of affairs, limiting many folks options to get to work, jobs etc), discussion of non-auto options is imperative.

Champe Burnley
VA Bicycling Federation

A revised agenda was posted Monday, Jan. 7.

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