The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VCU Unveils RamBikes Bikeshare Program

Brantley Tyndall (l) talks with Jake Helmboldt, RVA Bike Ped Cooridnator

In a move to support growing cycling community  on campus, Virginia Commonwealth University officially opened its new RamBikes facility on its downtown campus.

According to manager Brantley Tyndall, VCU hopes to, “deliver bike safety training in a less formal, more exciting environment to reach out to those that might not pursue traditional educational programs on their own.  We want to see more cyclists on campus, as well as a better trained, safer cycling community as a whole.”

RamBikes is dedicated to  promoting bicycling as a safe, fun, economical, efficient and environmentally friendly transportation alternative for the VCU campus community.

The League of American Bicyclists awarded VCU a Silver Bike Friendly University designation earlier in 2012.

Rambikes offers  basic repair facilities like air pumps and repair stands.  A unique aspect of RamBikes is the  VCU RamBikes Stand which  is the home base for cycling on campus.  Functioning as a “bike lounge”, the facility takes an innovative approach to education for cyclists and anyone else that would like to learn about bikes.

The bike lounge is designed to create a collaborative environment for cyclists of all kinds, as well as those looking to get started.

VCU realized that promoting cycling decreases traffic congestion and parking issues as well as promoting environmental stewardship,  health benefits and a higher quality of life for its students.

With approximately 32,ooo students, VCU is the largest university in Virginia.

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