The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VBF Welcomes 2 New Board Members

We’re proud to announce the addition of 2 new members to the VBF Board of Directors — Wes Cheney of Norfolk, and Gary Searcy of Virginia Beach. Wes Cheney’s blog has been a rallying point for advocacy in Virginia Beach in the wake of Dan Hersh’s death. Gary Searcy is a traffic law attorney whose expertise will be valuable in dealing with government on cyclists’ issues, and in crafting better legislation. Both Wes and Gary bring special knowledge and ability to our organization, and we’re very happy to have them aboard. Welcome!

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  • My friend and I have now atdented four times and we felt this was very likely the best one yet. No motorized bicycles (Yea!) and asshattery was held to a minimum. Only saw a few obviously drunk individuals and the crowd was in a festive party mood. We’re lookin’ forward to the next party! Oh, and does anyone have updates/info on the serious accident .And finally, let’s leave the fireworks at home. I’ve seen what can happen when fireworks go wrong. It’s not pretty.