The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VBF presents Del. McQuinn (D-Richmond) with Bike Friendly Award

Champe Burnley, Sheryl Finucane, Michael Gilbert, Del. Delores McQuinn, Bud Vye, and Tom Bowden -- presenting Del. McQuinn with VBF's Bicycling Friendly Award.

Champe Burnley, Sheryl Finucane, Michael Gilbert, Del. Delores McQuinn, Bud Vye, and Tom Bowden.

Virginia Bicycling Federation would like to thank Del. McQuinn (D-Richmond) for being the patron of HB 542, and Del. Gilbert (R-Shenandoah) for amending the verbiage of the bill to ensure its passage. This was the second year Del. McQuinn was the patron of the “mask” bill.

Before the bill was passed, it was illegal for a cyclist to wear a mask in the winter, and being found guilty of doing so would result in a felony. The law also affected those who would participate in winter sports (skiing, boating, others) as well as hunters – essentially anyone who might wear a mask to shield and protect them from the elements.

Bicycling is a non-partisan issue and we thank both delegates for their hard work on this bill to amend and modernize Virginia code.

If you had not heard, Del. McQuinn is running in a firehouse primary for Sen. Marsh’s seat in District 16 (link). If you are unsure if you are in this district, be sure to use the Who’s My Legislator? product to find out!

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