The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VBF Hosts National Advocacy Training

VBF joined bike advocates from all over the US for a weekend-long Winning Campaigns Training in Richmond

VBF joined bike advocates from all over the US for a weekend-long Winning Campaigns Training by The Alliance for Biking and Walking

Cyclists from across America met in Richmond Saturday for a weekend of advocacy training hosted by VBF and The Alliance for Biking and Walking (formerly Thunderhead Alliance).  26 champions from bike clubs, non-profits and government bodies spent the weekend planning campaigns to promote bicycling and walking in their home communities.

“As a new, state wide executive director, the Alliance training directed me to a specific target and goals,” said PA Bikes and Walks’ Michele Barrett, “To insure my successful campaign.”

Virginia’s state bike and pedestrian coordinator, Jakob Helmboldt, spent Saturday morning addressing the participants, explaining how they can most effectively work with government organizations in their localities to most effectively address bike and pedestrian issues.

The event, held on the campus of Virginia Commonwealth University’s, Medical College of Virginia, was hosted by VBF and the Richmond Area Bicycling Association, and funded through a generous grant from Planet Bike, SRAM, and Bikes Belong.

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