The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VBF Fall Retreat & Winning Campaigns Training

Update: please see the details of the Winning Campaigns Training, including schedule and pricing information. All are welcome, but VBF members get a discount. We’re also handing out a few scholarships to worthy VBF members. Deadline for early registration is Nov. 2.

The Alliance for Biking and Walking, formerly Thunderhead Alliance

This year we’re teaming up with the Alliance for Biking and Walking to offer their Winning Campaigns Training as part of our annual fall retreat. All VBF members are welcome, and encouraged to attend. Our fall retreat is also where we elect our officers, and plan our business for the upcoming year.

Though this year’s retreat will be in Richmond instead of a state park, we’ll still find a way to get some good riding in. The networking opportunities will be great as always. We’d love to have every bike club in Virginia send somebody! Mark your calendars — Fri. Nov. 13 to Sun. Nov. 15, 2009. Costs for the Alliance training are listed at the above link. VBF retreat cost — including food and lodging — will be announced later, but it’s always very inexpensive. For more information, or to RSVP, contact Jeff Miller of the Alliance for Biking and Walking.

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