The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VBF Fall Retreat 2008

Join cycling advocates from throughout Virginia for a weekend advocacy retreat in rural Louisa County, to plan strategies to improve conditions for cyclists statewide. To encourage participation, VBF subsidizes this event. So you get a very low cost weekend getaway at Sophia House in beauriful Louisa County, including food, lodging, fellowship, and some great riding! All are welcome to attend, for the whole weekend or part.

Tentative topics for discussion

  • League of American Bicyclists evaluation of Virginia’s Bicycle friendliness, as per the new Bicycle Friendly State program
  • Federal Highway Transportation Program Reauthorization — trail and enhancement Programs
  • VBF strategy for the 2009 Virginia General Assembly session
  • The law and bicyclists

Invited speakers

  • Jake Helmboldt, VDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator
  • League of American Bicyclists – Staff
  • Thunderhead Alliance – Staff
  • Michael Ashe, Virginia Beach bicyclists’ attorney

Tentative schedule


7:00pm ’til late — Round table discussions — share what’s happening in your community


8:00am Breakfast
9:00 – 10:30 & 10:45 – 12:15 Group sessions / Guest speakers
12:15: Lunch & Keynote speaker (TBA)
1:30 – 3:00 Afternoon group session / Guest speaker
3:15 – 4:30: Bike Ride
5:30 Dinner and General Membership meeting

Evening: Work groups – work on issues identified earlier in the retreat
Late night – Kitchen politics


8:00am Breakfast
9:00am VBF board meeting (all VBF members are invited)
1:00pm Adjournment, Lunch and Cleanup, optional bike ride


$20 for VBF members for the full weekend. Two representatives of
each VBF-member bicycle club may
also attend for only $20 each.

$40 for nonmembers and additional club representatives (includes a 1-yr
VBF individual membership for each

$10 for Saturday only – includes lunch and dinner

The weekend price includes overnight bunk bed dorm room accommodations with linens, and food for Saturday breakfast through Sunday lunch.


Sophia House is located between Richmond and Charlottesville. Directions and facilities information are posted at [].

Carpooling is encouraged. Make this a FUN weekend with friends!

Payment will be collected at the retreat, but please RSVP to Barbara Duerk by Nov 7, 2009 so we can purchase just the right about of food.

What to bring

  • Clothes for weather conditions
  • Bike and accessories for Saturday and/or Sunday riding (days are short, bring lights)
  • Alcoholic beverages of choice for discreet consumption
  • Favorite drink/juice/soda
  • Snacks to share–there are no vending machines or nearby stores
  • Materials for group discussions
  • Experiences to share
  • Passion for cycling and the willingness to make Virginia bicycling friendly!

Please share this with other cyclists in your community who are interesting in bicycling advocacy.

We look forward to seeing you!


Barbara Duerk, VBF board member
540-343-1616 or for additional information

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