The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VBF Annual Meeting — Elect/Re-elect Our Board

Virginia Bicycling Federation

The Virginia Bicycling Federation will be holding our annual membership meeting during the Heart of Virginia Bike Festival on Saturday, Sept. 18. All VBF members, would-be members, and concerned cyclists from throughout Virginia are encouraged to attend. Please drop by after the Heart of Virginia rides on Saturday — 4pm at the Ashland YMCA, with a BYO dinner afterward at Randolph Macon College.

We’ll hear reports on Virginia legislative accomplishments, Rails With Trails progress, careless driving legislation, the Governor’s Bike Month Proclamation, the 2010 Cross State Ride, signage for Interstate Bike Routes, US Bike Route 1 routing challenges in Virginia, updates to the State Bike Plan and DCR Trail Plan, status of the VDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator position, the 75th Anniversary Blue Ridge Parkway celebration, ProWalk/ProBike, and reports about local initiatives.

Our annual meeting is also where we elect or re-elect our board and officers. Any VBF member can vote, or run for a board position themselves. Yes, you can join at the meeting!

If there’s an issue that you’d like to see pushed forward, this is a great opportunity to connect with us, and bring it to our attention. If you’d like to get something on the agenda, contact Champe Burnley at If you or anyone you know might be interested in serving on our board, please contact Bud Vye at or 804-262-9544.

So come ride and enjoy RABA’s Heart of Virginia rides on Saturday and Sunday. Network with fellow bike advocates on Saturday evening. Together we can make a difference!

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