The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VA Well Represented at the National Bike Summit

The League of American Bicyclists’ 2012 National Bike Summit concluded Friday.  With over 800 attendees, the League set a new attendance record with cyclists represented from all states (except Alaska!)

VA Cyclists Meet with Congressman Bobby Scott (second from left)

Aides From Senator Warner and Webb's Offices Field Questions

Besides sessions on economic impact cycling brings to communities, health, environmental  and other benefits cycling brings to cities and towns, one of the most important aspects of the Summit are the citizen  meetings with their congressional members. 

The interests of Virginia cyclists were well represented.  Meetings were held with all eleven Virginia congressional offices as well as staff members for both Virginia senators.  A diverse group attended, representing all types of cycling.  The Virginia delegation included bike shop owners, racers, mountain bikers and college students who made the trek to Capitol Hill. 

One of the key messages was letting lawmakers  know that funding cycling infrastructure should be included in any federal transportation funding. 

Offices from  from both sides of the aisle seemed receptive to the the message  delivered. 

The VBF thanks these citizens for taking a day out of their busy schedules to attend and make the effort to improve cycling across America.

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