The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VA Seeks $590 Million in Rail Improvements – Where are the Trails?

The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) is applying for about $590 million in federal stimulus money to make a series of rail improvements in the Richmond area

These improvements are needed for the development of a high-speed rail corridor through Richmond.

Between $90 and $100 million of these improvements will be used to speed passenger trains through Richmond’s ACCA yard.  This enhancement would allow passenger trains to move through the yards at 45mph, rather than slowing them to 10mph as is required by the current design.

Though the new route would be a great connector between the northern and western suburbs of Henrico County, and between the City of Richmond and downtown, there is no mention of bike-ped access either across or along the new rail line.

Rails with trails
can provide important connections both within, and between, our communities.

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  • Does *any* adopted local or regional plan call for a trail along the ACCA rail yard? If so, it’s a strong argument to accommodate the trail as part of the rail yard improvements. If not, the Henrico County and/or City of Richmond comprehensive plans should be amended ASAP to call for such a trail.

  • Here’s an update on rail projects in Virginia: