The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

VA Creates Portal to Map Trails and Bikeways

Screenshot of Virginia's new GIS application for trails and bike routes

Screenshot of Virginia's new GIS application for trails and bike routes

The Virginia Department of Transportation, Department of Conservation and Recreation and Virginia Tech have collaborated to create a GIS-based tool to provide a “snapshot” of existing and planned trails and bicycle routes within Virginia.

“The objective is to represent the state as a whole statewide database and to develop an online decision making tool for VDOT and DCR,” said John McGee, one of the project initiators at Virginia Tech.

While the current database is still in development and is not intended for real-time, public use, a glimpse of what could be a great tourism and public health portal for Virginia is available to raise awareness of the project’s potential and to generate more interest and investment in Virgnia’s self-powered transportation infrastructure.

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  • Would be great if it could be expanded beyond a viewer and allow for public interaction (i.e. allowing citizens to submit their own ideas/locations for future trails with a simple to use toolset/interface). Also might be cool to use some of the data Google is gathering for bike routes.