The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

UVA Launches Transportation Training Academy

LTAP workshops have been a convenient and low cost way for municipality staff, elected officials, planners, contractors, and bike advocates to get up to speed with bike-ped safety issues and infrastructure improvements. Now UVA is combining LTAP with their other professional development program under a new name, The Transportation Training Academy, or The Academy.

So keep an eye out for The Academy’s bike-ped workshops. All bike advocates should try to attend these, along with their local engineers, planners, elected officials and citizen volunteers. The networking can be as valuable as the training, if not moreso. There’s an upcoming workshop Jan. 20 in Charlottesville.

From the email announcement by the TTA’s director, Bill Kelsh:

The Center for Transportation Studies (CTS) at the University of Virginia (U.Va.) is pleased to announce the launch of the U.Va. Transportation Training Academy (The Academy). The Academy’s mission is to impart the required knowledge and skills to Virginia’s transportation workforce to perform their jobs more productively, safely, and effectively so as to: (1) enhance traveler mobility and safety, and (2) improve the design, construction, and maintenance of transportation facilities in the Commonwealth. The Academy is a result of the merger of two previous training programs offered through CTS: the Virginia Local Technical Assistance Program (VA LTAP) and the Transportation Professional Development Program (TPDP). By merging these two programs, we are uniquely positioned to support the workforce training and professional development needs of Virginia’s state and local transportation agencies and private sector companies by offering more workshops across a broad range of topics at very affordable prices. Our curriculum is designed to address the training needs of a wide array of participants including road maintenance personnel, technicians, inspectors, planners, transportation engineers, public works directors, road builders, and consultants. We offer practical and relevant instructor-led classes taught by U. Va. faculty and other leading experts in the transportation field at locations all over the Commonwealth. Our workshop catalog presently consists of over sixty 1, 2, and 3-day classes but new offerings are being developed and added continuously. Presently participants can choose from a wide range of courses in the following areas:

o Transportation Facility Design & Operation

o Infrastructure Management

o Traffic Engineering

o Highway Safety

o Information Technology

o Planning

o Work Zone Safety

o Project Management

o Communications

o Materials

o Bicycle and Pedestrian Programs

o Legal

o Workplace Safety

The Center for Transportation Studies is a joint partnership between the University of Virginia’s School of Engineering and Applied Science and the Virginia Transportation Research Council, the research branch of the Virginia Department of Transportation. With over six decades of technical innovation and experience in transportation, today the Center oversees a comprehensive program that includes education, research, and professional training.

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