The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

US Sec’y of Transportation at the Bike Summit

“This is the end of favoring motorized transportation at the expense of non-motorized.”

That’s what Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood tweeted in reference to a new federal bike and pedestrian policy, which promises to, “Treat walking and bicycling as equals with other transportation modes.”

This is a big announcement. We encourage you to see the accompanying article at Mr. LaHood’s own blog, with more video, and links to more coverage.

Biking and walking have long been shortchanged by both federal and state governments. As the Alliance points out in their 2010 Benchmarking Report:

Ten percent of trips are by bicycle or foot, yet bicyclists and pedestrians make up over 13% of traffic fatalities and receive just 1.2% of federal transportation dollars.

So this new federal policy is a welcome change. Let’s think about moving people, not just cars.

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