The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Updates on SB1060 and SB731

Breaking: SB1060 is up for a vote on the House floor and needs your support now. It has already passed the Senate.

We are happy to report that SB1060 was passed unanimously out of the Senate Transportation Committee today. This law includes bicycles as a vehicle that drivers of a motor vehicle should not follow more closely than reasonable. Additionally, it updates the minimum passing distance of a cyclist from 2-feet to 3-feet. As this adds the 3-foot passing provision, we favor this bill over HB1950. Regardless, both are excellent bills and we are thankful to Delegate Lopez, Delegate Keam, and Senator Reeves for their respective bills. This now moves to the full Senate floor for vote.

We are also happy to report that SB731, limiting mopeds to travel on highways with speeds 35mph or less, was effectively killed today (also unanimously) until next session. This negatively affects citizens’ access to their place of work. If this were passed, it could create a slippery slope that may affect bicyclists as well.

A HUGE thank you to all of those who participated in the action alerts over the past couple of days. The General Assembly typically posts the docket the night before, so sending an email to your legislator is critical, and there is not a lot of time to do so. If you are curious who your legislator is, follow this link. A quick email may seem small, but legislators truly value hearing from their constituents.

A complete list of members, including email addresses, on Senate Transportation Committee is here.

A complete list of members, including email addresses, on House Transportation Committee is here.

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