US Secretary of Transportation Ray Lahood talks about the updated US Bike Route system on his blog, Fastlane. The Secretary, who is a strong supporter of getting folks out of their cars mentions how these routes can be used for transportation as well as recreational benefits.
According to Lahood, “Thirty states are now working on routes to serve as easy-to-ride trunk lines connecting city, regional, and statewide cycling trails. These will provide transportation, tourism, and economic development opportunities across the country.”
Ginny Sullivan, Special Projects Director for the Adventure Cycling Association says, “”The US Bike Routes system is ramping up as states begin work on implementation and submitting applications to AASHTO for new route approvals. It’s an exciting phase!”
The VBF has been working closely with ACA and VDOT to make changes and improvements to the US Bike Routes in Virginia. Stay tuned for updates as we work through the approval proecess.