The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Traffic Skills 101 Courses, Roanoke & Lexington


Smart Cycling - bike safety education by the League of American Bicyclists (aka Bikeleague, LAB)

Barbara Duerk and Dave Walsh are teaching two Traffic Skills 101 courses, in Roanoke and Lexington. Each course is 9 hours long: 3 hours on a Thursday evening, plus 6 hours during the day on a Saturday, with an hour break for lunch. Cost is $35.

Traffic Skills 101 is the new name for the Road I course by the League of American Bicyclists.

Learn to ride confidently, competently, safely, and legally in traffic, fix flats, and check your bike for good working order.

The Roanoke course will be this Thursday, Oct. 28, 6-9pm, and Saturday, Oct 30, 9am-4pm at Sharebike, at the corner of Jefferson and Elm in downtown Roanoke.

The Lexington course will be Thursday, Nov. 4, 6-9pm, and Saturday, Nov. 6, 9am-4pm, location still to be determined.

We strongly support the League’s Smart Cycling program. A majority of VBF Board are certified League Cycling Instructors (LCI). If you’re offering a League course anywhere in Virginia, please let us know — we’re happy to help you promote it.

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