The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Tour de Chesapeake — Bikes, Bands, & The Bay

2010 Tour de Chesapeake - Bikes, Bands, & the Bay Festival

Join the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, BikeWalk Virginia, and Mathews County for the annual Tour de Chesapeake, and Bikes, Bands and the Bay Festival — May 13-15, 2011 — a weekend of riding, great music, and water activities that celebrate the beauty of the Bay. Not quite in shape for Mountains of Misery? Tour de Chesapeake is as flat as Virginia gets!

Ride options range from 18 to 100 miles on Saturday, including a route for families with small children; and a free, 13-15 mile Cyclists for the Bay ride on Sunday.

See for details and to register.

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  • I’d like to come ride this year’s Tour. Any other Floridians coming up your way? Or maybe folks from GA that I could catch a ride with? Need to share some of the driving and travel expense to and from the event.

  • I want to inform the cylers that behind the Newpoint Post Office is a field of wild flowers and at the end of that Rd is a really nice water view. Only 2 miles for both, and easy ride for you. Take Rd to left right beyound Post Office and old general store. A couple of bends and field in on right. A mile furthur is dead end and water view. I waalked that was this morning and bikes are not going down that RD. Shames to miss it.

  • I am interested in hearing about the 2012 Tour de Chesapeake. When is it, cost, route etc?
    thank you ,