The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Today’s Senate Transportation Committee Meeting

…just concluded at 4:33 p.m.

For the first time, all were able to follow the proceedings as they were streamed, without being there, and Champe Burnley was there in person to testify on several of the bills. In order to get the streamed coverage of sessions, click on the link for the session you are interested in on the home page of the General Assembly website. It’s really helpful!

Of the bills we were interested in, it was encouraging that

SB74, carried by Scott Surovell, which expands the prohibition on using a handheld personal communication device while operating a motor vehicle unless it is being operated in a hands free manner PASSED by a 9-4 vote

Three of the other bills we were interested in FAILED by a 6-7 vote, along party lines, with the D’s voting for & the R’s against. These bills included

SB46/Favola STOP for a pedestrian in a marked Crosswalk

SB87/Surovell this year’s Vulnerable Road User bill, which was opposed by the Commonwealth Attorney’s Assn. rep. who this week is from Emporia

SB88/Surovell No passing by a motor vehicle driving in a bike lane

Two other bills we were interested in also Failed

SB97/Marsden No person shall operate a moving motor vehicle with an animal on their lap Failed to receive a motion to report

SB744/Barker Requiring Seat belts to be used & fastened while in the back seat of moving vehicles Failed 9-3

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