The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Today Show: Bike Use Soars With Gas Prices

NBC’s Today Show this morning ran a full 3 minute segment about an increase in bike commuting due to high gas prices. Reporter Kerry Sanders rides with commuters on the 37 mile Pinellas Trail in Dunedin, FL. Also featured are commuters in Coral Gables and West Palm Beach, FL, and Boulder, CO. Some topics covered were:

  • Bikes on transit buses and trains — 10% of all transit riders in Portland, OR bring bikes, and bikes on transit has increased 30% in Houston, TX
  • Companies paying employees to commute by bike
  • Companies providing locker rooms and showers for bike commuters
  • Biking is faster than driving or transit in urban areas
  • Police depts. turning to bikes vs. patrol cars

Headline News also ran a bike story today, about a man in Tehachapi, CA commuting over 40 miles each way, and saving $400/month on gas.

With bicycling getting attention from mainstream media, the time is ripe for bike advocates to deliver our message. Let’s get busy.

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  • Yippee!
    Maybe common sense CAN rule the day!


  • Thanks for posting this, Matt.

    Regarding your comment that “the time is ripe for bike advocates to deliver our message”, we must remind new bicyclists and the general public that bicyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles.

  • @Allen: check out the “Rights and Duties of Cyclists” video I just posted. These guys are doing some great work.