The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Tidewater Bicycling Association’s Knotts Island Century May 18

The Tidewater Bicycle Association proudly presents its signature event, the 37th Annual Knotts Island Century ride on May 18. One of the ride’s highlights is that the English and Metric Century both cross the Currituck Sound on the North Carolina State Ferry, from opposite sides.

This year’s registration includes an event logo’d pair of socks, SAG support, tasty food/rest stops, sports drinks, cue sheets, and well-marked routes. Again this year the TBA C.L.A.M.S. sponsored cookie stop is back! Also included is a post ride meal for each rider and volunteer.

Funds raised by the KI Century help further TBA’s education and advocacy efforts.

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