The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Thunderhead Alliance Becomes the Alliance for Biking and Walking

The Alliance for Biking and Walking, formerly Thunderhead Alliance

Thunderhead Alliance, the leading coalition of bike-ped groups in North America, has changed its name to the Alliance for Biking and Walking. The new name better reflects the organization’s mission, and communicates what it does. Note the new URL too,

The Alliance brings advocates and advocacy groups together to share information and best practices, through a lively mailing list as well as conferences and training sessions.

At VBF we’re enthusiastic members and supporters of the Alliance. We encourage all bike-ped advocates to join. The mailing list alone is well worth the price of membership. (It would be great if our municipality staffs would all join!) An upcoming VBF retreat will feature an Alliance “Winning Campaigns” training session.

The Alliance has issued a press release about the name change, with more information about the organization and its activities.

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