The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Three Virginia Legislators Receive Bicycling Friendly Awards

Three Virginia legislators have been given VBF’s Bicycling Friendly Award for their efforts during the 2014 session of the Virginia General Assembly.

Bud Vye and Senator Reeves

Senator Reeves and Bud Vye

Senator Bryce Reeves, (R-Spotsylvania) was the Chief Patron of SB 97, the Three Foot Passing bill, which was recently signed into law by Governor Terry McAuliffe. The law goes into effect on July 1.

Also recognized for their support of pro-bike legislation were Delegate Barbara Comstock (R-Fairfax/ Loudoun) who sponsored the following too closely legislation, HB 82…

Delegate Barbara Comstock Receiving her Award

Delegate Barbara Comstock Receiving her Award

…and Senator Chap Petersen (D- Fairfax)  who sponsored the anti-dooring bill (SB 225).

Senator Petersen Receiving Award from Champe Burnley

Senator Chap Petersen Receiving Award from Champe Burnley

Despite great efforts to get Petersen and Comstock’s  legislation through, both bills were defeated.

A big thanks to these legislators who supported our efforts to make Virginia a more friendly place to ride bikes.

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