The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Three Foot Passing Law in Virginia Begins July 1


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Beginning July 1, Virginia’s roads will be safer with the adoption of a statewide three foot passing law. Current law requires that motorists pass people on bikes by only two feet.

The legislation was sponsored by Senator Bryce Reeves, R-Spotsylvania: “Our ability to be able to work across the aisle and build relationships in a bipartisan manner allowed us to successfully get this commonsense legislation approved. Those that are active in the bicycling community—as well as my Republican and Democrat friends in both the House of Delegates and the Senate—were all part of making this legislation possible. I will continue to work very hard on areas where we can find common ground and consensus for the people of Virginia.”

Thanks go out to Senator Reeves, and cyclists across the state for their emails, phone calls and meetings with legislators. A special thanks goes to the VBF legislative team headed by Bud Vye who has been working tirelessly for nearly ten years to get this law changed.

Download and read the press release (PDF).

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  • Where are the 3 foot bike passing decals? They are not on bike smart website.