The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

‘Three Feet to Pass’ Gets Passed by Senate, 31-7

SB 97/Reeves Passed the Senate by 31 – 7

As expected, Carrico (the retired State Trooper from far western VA, who is a steadfast anti-cyclist vote) led the nay contingent, which included Hanger, Martin (from Chesterfield), McEachin (from Richmond, surprisingly) Obenshain, Ruff, & Stuart. An excellent result, but we will have some more bills coming their way, so anyone who knows any of the nays may want to express disappointment and tell them we have several more coming their way. Particularly Martin & McEachin. Also in order, if your Senator voted aye, to let them know you noticed, and you appreciate it.

& SB 139/Barker’s bill to make a Provisional Driver’s use of a cell phone while driving a Primary Offense squeaked through by a 19-19 vote with the new Lt. Gov. Northam breaking the tie by voting aye. I won’t list the ayes & nays here and you can see them on the Legislative website, but its an interesting breakdown, totally across party lines, with some staunch, conservative R’s voting for & some staunch, liberal D’s voting against.

Now both bills await crossover before coming over to the House, where I expect the cell phone bill will not survive.

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