The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

A New “Three Feet” Bill for 2011

Senator Ryan McDougle has just informed me that he will carry this bill for us.

The bill has been pre-filed, and should be showing up on the Legislative website by Thursday, so we will then know its numbers.

With Del. Toscano carrying the House bill and Sen. McDougle carrying the Senate bill, the bills should be conformed at some point, and I am really happy to see both a D and an R carrying the bill for us, which looks very favorable for its passage, with our main concern being passage on the House floor.

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  • What bill?
    Is there a link to this bill? While it sounds like a good idea in sound bite I would like to see the details before I could endorse it.

  • This legislation has been pre-filed but bill numbers haven’t been assigned yet for the 2011 Session.

    Check back next week for more details.

  • You are invited to help make cycling safer in Virginia. Come to Cycling Lobby Day tomorrow (Wed, Jan 19th @ 7am) and/or call the legislators in the House and Senate who are considering a 3ft passing law. Your involvement could make the difference!

    Full details including talking points, background info, links to committee members’ names and contact info, driving directions, tips for testifying, and more can be found online:

  • The bill numbers are SB 928 (Senator McDougle), HB 1683 (Delegate Toscano), and HB 2194 (Delegate Ebbin).

    Each bill was filed with identical wording, but VBF has asked each bill patron to amend (tweak) the language for Sec. 42.6-838 to make that section’s existing 2-foot minimum passing distance apply only to overtaking *motor* vehicles. By contrast, Sec. 46.2-839 covers the overtaking of bicycle riders.

    If successful, the three bills will eventually be combined into a single bill for the Governor’s signature, but filing 3 bills may improve our chances of success this year.

    Until a subcommittee or committee actually votes on a bill, other delegates and senators may endorse the bill by signing on as a co-patron, As of ths morning (January 19), 17 state legislators are co-patrons of HB 1683! Please email or call your delegate and senator TODAY to ask that they co-patron HB 1683 and SB 928. It would be so cool to have a major of delegates, including more than a dozen Republicans, signed on as HB 1683 co-patrons by Tuesday, January 25.