The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Think Twice Before You Mess With a Cyclist!

Though this incident took place across the Potomac in DC, it’s close enough to Virginia to share.

Back in February, a driver decided to have some fun bumping a bike at a stop light. Much to his surprise, the rider was an off duty DC police officer who was riding a Capital Bikeshare bike home.

Long story short, the driver was charged with Assault with a Dangerous Weapon (vehicle), Assault on a Police Officer, Fleeing and Eluding, and Reckless Driving.

Sentencing will take place  September 14 in DC Superior Court.  Cyclists are invited to attend.

For more on the story, see the full article at A Girl and Her Bike.

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  • The victim would like to pack the courtroom at the sentencing hearing with cyclists, to help get out the message that it’s unacceptable for motorists to use their cars to harass or bully people on bicycles. Follow the link above for more information on the hearing, currently scheduled for September 14.