The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

The Future of Richmond Cycling

RVA News Editor Nathan Cushing recently  interviewed Richmond’s new Bicycling, Pedestrian and Trails Coordinator, Jakob Helmboldt  on how he will approach his job and what changes the city can expect.

Despite author and former Portland Bike planner Mia Birk’s recent presentation in the capitol city sponsored by the VBF, titled, “Could Richmond Be the Next Portland”, Humboldt states in the interview, “Richmond isn’t going to be the next Portland. We’re going to be the first Richmond.”  He maintains that “Every community has their own unique issues….and challenges.”

The article states, whatever changes come about in Richmond will not be (Helmboldt’s)  sole doing but that of the community. He sees himself as a true coordinator, an implementer, not a grand designer.

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