The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

The Following Too Closely Bill…

Sadly, SB 264 has failed.

…is assigned to the House Transportation Sub Comm 2, which meets on Wednesday morning @ 7:00 a.m.

Although the docket is not posted yet, it is almost a certainty that this bill will be heard then.

All RABA members, please send an EMail to SubComm Chair John Cox

…and Northern Va cyclists send EMails to Del. Barbara Comstock

Del. Richard Anderson

& Del. Randall Minchew

Asking them to please support this bill, which would afford cyclists, mo-peds and other vehicles the same “Don’t follow too closely” language in the code that presently applies only to motor vehicles following other MOTOR vehicles.

If we can get their attention on this one, I think we have a good chance to get it reported out and then on through the full Transportation Committee, so please, everybody, send this EMail.

Bud Vye
RABA & VBF Advocacy Director

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