The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Classic Cycling Movie at The Lyric Theater in Blacksburg, Sat. Jan. 12

The Flying Scotsman Logo

The New River Valley Bicycle Asssociaion presents a special screening of the classic cycling movie, “The Flying Scotsman,” at The Lyric Theater in downtown Blacksburg, Saturday Jan. 12 at 3:00pm. The movie is the true story of amateur Graeme Obree, who in 1993 broke a world record with a bike of his own design, made from scrap metal and washing machine parts. Admission is just $1 for the general public, and free for members of the New River Valley Bicycle Association — including new members who join at the event.

Bring a useable bike part to donate to the Blacksburg Bicycle Collective.

Everyone is encouraged to ride their bike to the event.

“The Flying Scotsman” is rated PG-13.

For more information, call The Lyric Theater at (540)951-4771, or visit their website at

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