The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

The Cat’s Out of the Bag — Richmond Has Jake

Update: read the interview with Jakob Helmboldt at

We’ve known about this for awhile, but we’ve been awaiting an official announcement.  Now the cat’s out of the bag:  Jakob Helmboldt will be Richmond’s first Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Coordinator, starting Monday, August 15.

See the announcement at the City’s blog, and at RVA News.

There is no better person for the job.  Before being hired away by planning firm VHB, Jake served as VDOT’s statewide bike-ped coordinator; and before that, Safe Routes to School Coordinator.  As far as cycling cred goes, Jake is a former Category 1 racer, a strong recreational cyclist, and a regular bike commuter.

The stars are aligned for cycling in Richmond, soon to receive a series of road improvements and trail building efforts; and, with luck, the 2015 World Cycling Championships.  We’re fortunate to have talent like Jake onboard.

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