The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

STIR Panel Discussion — Sustainable Transportation for Richmond’s Future

Sustainable Transportation: where will Richmond be in 2030? STIR Project

With the first large-scale electric streetcar system, Richmond was once a leader in transportation technology. Local business and community leaders believe that Richmond can lead again, in transportation and economic development — by embracing modern, sustainable transportation.

To this end, the Sustainable Transportation Initiative of Richmond, aka Project STIR, is co-sponsoring a panel discussion on Monday, April 12, 7pm, at the University of Richmond’s Jepson Alumni Center, along with the University of Richmond, and Leadership Metro Richmond. See the press release for details. All are welcome, but please register ahead of time.

Bicycling must be a part of this vision, and VBF will be there to help make the case. Richmond has a small but growing number of regular bike commuters, and a thriving bike community and culture.

The Virginia Capital Trail and other corridors running through Richmond are poised to become backbones for an extensive bike-ped network — tying together local paths, bike lanes, and bike-friendly roadways. A Portland for the east coast? It’s not too far-fetched! In fact it may be necessary for attracting tomorrow’s industries and workers. Note how Portland and Milwaukee have weathered the recession better than most.

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