The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Contact Your Legislators — Support HB 855

The Virginia Bicycling Federation urges bicyclists throughout Virginia to express support for House Bill 855, filed by Delegate Adam Ebbin, which would require the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to establish regional pedestrian and bicycle advisory committees in each of the nine VDOT highway construction districts.

HB 855 would require these committees to “hold regular meetings in order to seek public input for methods of improving government programs related to walking and bicycling. Citizen members of each regional committee shall be represented on a statewide pedestrian and bicycle committee, which shall also hold regular meetings.”

Similar bills were introduced three times previously (in 1997, 2002, and 2005) and have fared better each time. With your support, HB 855 will be enacted in 2008.

Please contact your state delegate and senator ASAP and ask them to support — and to co-patron — HB 855.

You can also contact members of the House Transportation Committee and ask them to support HB 855 in committee.

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