The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Support SB1550, the Vulnerable Road User Bill, Today!

SB1550 would make it easier to prosecute drivers who hit cyclists, by making it illegal to operate a vehicle in a distracted or careless manner resulting in injury to cyclists, pedestrians, wheelchair users, scooter riders, and other vulnerable road users.

SB1550 will be up for vote by House Transportation Subcommittee #1 this Tuesday morning, Feb. 12, at 7am. If you’re in any of these delegates’ districts…

…please call or write their office today, and tell them to support SB1550, the Vulnerable Road User bill.

If you’re not sure whether you’re in these delegates’ districts, see the Who’s My Legislator page.

Please try to drum up as much support as you can today, by getting everyone to call or write.

We have a good chance of getting this passed, but we need these delegates’ votes!

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