The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Support SB 874 In The Virginia Senate Now

SB 874 (Ticer) — which would prohibit (with several exceptions)
non-emergency cell phone use without a hands-free device while driving a motor vehicle — was favorably reported by the Senate Transportation Committee on January 22 and will soon be voted upon by the full Virginia Senate, probably by January 28.

Please contact your Virginia Senator ASAP (before noon, January 28), by email or telephone, to support this much-needed restriction of
distracted driving. According to the National Safety Council, the use
of cell phones by U.S. drivers contributes to 636,000 traffic crashes,
330,000 injuries and 2,600 deaths each year.

1) Call the Constituent Viewpoint Hotline: 800-889-0229 or 804-698-1990.

2) Find and contact your VA Senator directly with the “Who’s My
Legislator” web tool:

For more information on SB 874, visit the following links:

Current version of SB 874 as amended in Senate Transportation:

SB 874 legislative history page:

Fox5DC News Story:

Update: Bud Vye reports on the progress of SB 874 as of Jan. 29.

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  • We need to support Amateur Radio, and have exceptions applied to allow their use while driving.