The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Sharebike’s Pedicab In Downtown Roanoke

Downtown Roanoke has a new pedicab service, courtesy of Sharebike, a community bike sharing operation with 4 (?) locations downtown. Now guests at the Hotel Roanoke can enjoy pedicab tours of Roanoke’s ever-more-happening downtown! They can also rent bikes at very low cost, to explore the Roanoke River Greenway.

Sharebike’s home base is in the landmark City Market building, at Cyclo-Ward, a bike service and repair shop operated by VBF’s own James Rosar.

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  • Great Video ! I really liked it. I live in NYC and I am a pedicab driver as well. I also like riding bicycles through Central Park as well.