The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

Share Shore Drive Day in Virginia Beach

A demonstration ride followed by a BBQ at Kokoamos, Sat. July 11. Discuss how to make Shore Drive safer on Twitter: #shareshoredrive Register for the event at BikeReg, and read more about it at

On April 19, 2009, Dan Hersh was killed, when his bicycle was hit from behind on Shore Drive by a SUV. This is the latest of a string of fatal accidents involving bicyclists, pedestrians, and motor vehicles. Also, numerous other individuals have been injured, riding their bicycles or walking and running on Shore Drive.

The 2004 Bikeways & Trails Plan had input for “Desired Bicycle Routes” and “the Northampton Boulevard/Shore Drive corridor was ranked #1 more than 2 to 1 over other routes listed.” Also, in recent months, both Cape Henry and Cape Story Civic Leagues have requested that the speed limit on Shore Drive be reduced from 45 miles per hour to 35 miles per hour in their respective neighborhoods.

In view of this, Virginia Bicycling Federation, Tidewater Bicycle Association, and Kokoamos Restaurant, which is very concerned about the safety of its patrons, have decided to sponsor a Share Shore Drive Day Bike Ride, which involves cyclists riding on Shore Drive between Jack Frost Road (aka Helicopter Road) , Kokoamos on Great Neck Road and First Landing Park.

The purpose of this ride is to call attention to the need to cycle safely, have all users of Shore Drive to share it safely, to emphasize the need for bicycle lanes on that roadway bicycle lanes on that roadway, and to advocate for more equitable treatment for bicyclists in bicycle-motor vehicle crashes.

This ride will take place on Saturday, July 11, starting at 7:30 AM, starting at Kokoamos. Participants should be there at least 20 minutes early. The speed of the ride will be between 10 and 12 miles per hour, so that cyclists of all levels will be able to participate.

Prior to the event, starting at 7 AM, Final Kick will be available to check any bicycles that need to be checked. After the event, Kokoamos Restaurant is having a cookout with hot dogs, hamburgers, and sodas. Everyone and their family members, participating in Share Shore Drive Day, is invited to attend the end-of-the ride celebration.

All bicycle riders must wear an approved cycling helmet, carry adequate personal identification, not wear headphones, and obey all traffic laws. Riders less than age 18 must be accompanied on the ride by a parent/guardian or a designated adult rider.

Cue Sheet

Shore Drive Day Ride

Start – Kokoamos on Great Neck Road
Right Great Neck Road
Right Shore Drive
Right First Landing Entrance
T/O First Landing Visitors Center
S/0 Visitors Center Road
Left Shore Drive
Right Helicopter (Little Creek Gate)
T/O Parking Lot -Helicopter
S/O Helicopter
Left Shore Drive
Right Great Neck Road
Left Kokoamos Restaurant

For More Information


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