The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

SB97 ‘Three Foot Passing’ Is Passed by the House

Just back from a long day at the U.S. Capitol, as the League of American Bicyclists Bike Summit had their Lobby Day.

While there, at shortly after 1 p.m., I received the good news that the Virginia House of Delegates, after Passing the Bill By for the Day on both Monday and Tuesday (for reasons I have not yet learned) PASSED the Bill today by a 72 – 27 vote, culminating more than 5 years of effort in attempting to get to this result. SB 97 Bicycles, etc.; minimum clearance for passing.

floor: 03/05/14 House: VOTE: PASSAGE (72-Y 27-N) YEAS–Albo, Anderson, BaCote, Brink, Bulova, Campbell, Carr, Chafin, Cole, Comstock, Dance, DeSteph, Fariss, Farrell, Filler-Corn, Futrell, Greason, Habeeb, Head, Herring, Hester, Hope, Howell, A.T., Hugo, Ingram, James, Keam, Kilgore, Kory, Krupicka, Landes, LaRock, Leftwich, LeMunyon, Lopez, Loupassi, Marshall, R.G., Mason, Massie, McClellan, McQuinn, Miller, Minchew, Morris, Morrissey, O’Bannon, O’Quinn, Orrock, Plum, Pogge, Ramadan, Rasoul, Robinson, Rush, Rust, Sickles, Simon, Spruill, Stolle, Surovell, Taylor, Torian, Toscano, Tyler, Villanueva, Ward, Ware, Watts, Wilt, Yancey, Yost, Mr. Speaker–72.

NAYS–Adams, Austin, Bell, Richard P., Bell, Robert B., Berg, Bloxom, Byron, Cline, Cox, Davis, Edmunds, Fowler, Garrett, Gilbert, Helsel, Hodges, Joannou, Jones, Knight, Lingamfelter, Marshall, D.W., Morefield, Poindexter, Ransone, Scott, Webert, Wright–27.



Thanks are due to many, as I will expand upon later, but the hour is late.

Update: please note that Del. Buddy Fowler & Del. Chris Peace have notified the
House Clerk that their intent was to vote FOR the bill, rather than
being counted as a NAY and a Not Voting.

Although they do not rewrite history in such cases, and the vote still
stands as 72 – 27, their intentions are noted in the official record.

Accordingly, no need to express disappointment to them, but rather your

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