The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

SB959, Stop Signs on the W&OD Trail…

…was passed late in the session, after being amended to reduce the maximum fine to $100 and lower the speed on the cross streets to 35 mph.

The Loudoun Sheriffs Dept. spoke strongly for the need for the bill, citing a number of accidents and even deaths in the crosswalks.

Paul Gilbert of the Regional Park Authority spoke against it, primarily worrying that there would be differing enforcement in different jurisdictions along the trail.

After the meeting Sen. Marsden, who is on the committee, and who rides on the trail, suggested that we get an amendment ready for when it crosses over, requiring all of the jurisdictions along the trail to pass ordinances, so that enforcement would be uniform along the 45 miles of trail.

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