The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

SB928 ‘Three Feet’ Passes Senate Unanimously; Headed to House

This bill needs your support now.

As FABB reported yesterday, SB928, the Senate version of “three feet to pass,” was passed 40-0 by the full Senate yesterday. Now it heads to the House. Bud Vye writes:

“On the floor of the full House and Senate, bills which reach there have readings, after which there are opportunities to debate them.

The required readings are usually dispensed with when a bill is uncontested.

The final Senate vote was taken today and the bill passed unanimously along with a batch of other uncontested bills.

Tomorrow is crossover day, so the bills that have passed in each house CROSS OVER to the other house.

The Speaker then assigns them to a committee. 928 should go to Transportation, but could theoretically go to any committee.

If it does, its possible that the Chairman of Trans (Joe May) could assign it to a subcommittee, or could keep it in the full committee, if they do not have a large number of bills to consider. If we stay in full House Trans, could be as early as Thursday a.m. If we go into a subcomm, it probably will be #2 again, a week from tomorrow @ 7 a.m.

I’m keeping an eye on it, and we DO need to gear up for letters to House Trans.”

So be ready to write in support on Wednesday, in advance of the House Transportation Committee meeting on Thursday.

Please note: there’s no need to contact Del Oder. He has heard plenty from us and other cyclists, and has indicated that he will support the Senate version of this legislation.

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