The Bicyclist Safety Act has been signed by the governor, and will take effect July 1.

SB644 “Stop for Pedestrians” Delayed Again

Please note: “stop for pedestrians in crosswalks” has returned for 2009 as HB 2386, which has an excellent chance of passing. As of Jan. 27 it has cleared committee and is headed for the House floor. Contact your House Delegate now to ask for their support.

Chairman Joe May of the House Transportation Committee threw another obstacle in the way of this bill, even though his committee had already heard and passed the identical House bill patroned by Del. Ebbin less than 3 weeks ago, by assigning it to be heard by Subcommittee 2 (which also had heard and reported the identical bill on Feb. 4)So here we go again on Monday, at 7:00 or 7:30 a.m.

Since the identical bill came through this sub committee by a 5-2 vote the first time around, with Chairman Carrico and Del. Fralin opposed, I would say that delegates Rust (Herndon), Loupassi (Richmond and Chesterfield), and Fralin (Roanoke) are the ones where calls might be helpful.

Its pretty obvious how the other 4 are going to vote (Carrico opposed, and Marsden, Nichols, and Ward in favor) so if one of the swing voters votes to report, it will squeak through and go back to the full committee.

It will really help if anyone in Rust’s district can call 804 698-1086 and tell Legislative assistants Jim Bailey or Nancy Palmer they appreciate his votes for the Pedestrians in Crosswalks bills so far, and hope he will continue to support SB644.

Roanoke folks could also call Del. Fralin’s office 804 698-1017, expressing their disappointment at his previous votes in opposition, to Legislative Asst. BJ Robertson, and hoping that he might change his mind this time around.

I’ve spoken to Del. Loupassi several times, and although he is a runner and cyclist he feels that the motorists’ general behavior is so unpredictable that he does not want pedestrians to get a false sense of security when crossing in a cross walk, which might get them killed if the motorist doesn’t stop. Therefore, he feels that all pedestrians should cross as though they are jaywalking, paying attention in both directions at all times, and not assuming that cars will stop for them. This is his creed when running, so he probably will vote in opposition although I’ll appeal to him again on Monday a.m.

Thanks for everyone’s help.

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  • Everyone please note that BikeWalk Virginia is also appealing for your help in supporting this issue.